Three In One Concepts, Inc.
Thank you for visiting Three In One Concepts' Web-Directory. This is the most current listing of our Consultants and Instructors around the world who are both Up-dated and Certified. Please read the understanding below and then Click the "I agree" button if you choose to proceed with your search.
Again, thank you for visiting our Website.
- All the Consultants and Instructors listed on this Web-Directory have given their permission to be listed.
- Three In One Concepts Consultants and Instructors are expected to fulfill and uphold the Three In One Concepts' Code of Ethics.
- While Three In One Concepts ensures that all Consultants and Instructors listed on our Web-Directory are certified, updated and in good-standing with Three In One Concepts, we do not monitor their individual practices and therefore do not endorse any individuals or centers.
- Three In One Concepts exercises no control and assumes no responsibility for their conduct or activities.
- This Web-Directory is the sole property of Three In One Concepts and US copyright laws reserve all rights.
- Information from this directory is not to be used for commercial purposes by any person or organization without the written consent of Three In One Concepts.